Hon. Secretary Speech
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I have great pleasure to meet you all and discuss with you the developments in general on the cotton scenario and also the activities of our Association. Already a brief report of our activities during the current year which is already with you. Our Vice President in his welcome address also gave brief details about the Cotton Trade & Industry and the general economic trend. In fact both had already explained everything still I am very happy to speak to you. You all know, current year 2016-17 cotton acreage was less and as per recent statistics a general view is that we will end 8 to 10% less in acreage. Accordingly the CAB at their meeting held on 18.8.2017, estimated the crop to be 345 lakh bales. While we take into consideration of the global cotton situation, cotton prices may sustain a steady trend. Nevertheless we may end in firm tendencies based on the Market happenings. Now though the fag end of this year 2016-17, we experience a comfortable stock situation and CAB projected a carry-over stock of 35.94 lakh bales.
Regarding 2017-18 sowing pattern seems to be encouraging, which may cross 120 million hectares with cotton alone. Trade circles expect the arrival may start by beginning of October 2017 from the early sown irrigated tracts. There are reports of white fly attacks in the northern belts and flooding as well as drought like situation in few tracts in Gujarat and Maharashtra respectively. Central Government is taking active initiative to double the income of Famers, cotton farmers in particular, through the adoption of global cotton cultivation practices like using of quality seeds, drip / sprinkler irrigation, need based use of fertilizers and pesticides and also timely nutrient management. These will help in increasing the yield from 560kg per hec. to global average of 784kgs per hectare or further up. Regarding the minimization of contamination, Central Government is initiating steps by introducing pre-cleaners, removing contaminants in the picking stage etc, etc. Central Government has planned for Technology Mission-II with two Mini Missions. One, for yield improvement and another for modernization of Gng & Prg factories which will identify the grade of the cotton including bale wise bar coding and HVI fiber parameters . Also they are planning to have Model Cotton Farm with adoption of Precision Cotton Farming in all cotton producing states.
The scheme will be for a period of 3 to 10 years by then they estimate about 1000 Ginning & Pressing factories will be most modernized. This will help in getting the real stock of the bales at the primary level.
In view of the foregoing during the 2017-18, the availability of cotton will be comfortable. Introduction of GST has eased the transportation bottlenecks, check post in particular, since cotton and yarn has to move interstate. However the National Fiber Policy, establishment of Cotton Board of India to be speeded up. Also the 5% GST on Seed Cotton (Kappas) to be withdrawn since Seed Cotton is an agricultural produce like jute etc.
Since we have a dynamic Textiles Minister, we should be able to initiate some of the conducive trade policy programmes from the Central Government, so that the Cotton Trade and Industry will sustain a prospective growth trend.
I request our Members to give us full support to strengthen our activities to step up the growth of the cotton trade and industry.
Finally I look up on our members to come forward with their view points and solicit all your full support.
Thank you.